Tag Archives: coca-cola

Coke heads

Every time I look at an old ad, the culture change seems to sucker punch me right in the face. Just look at those people in the ad. They’re so excited to get a swig of cola! What happened to those days? Why don’t we enjoy the little things in life anymore? In today’s fast paced society people barely have enough time to have a conversation, let alone  sit down and truly enjoy an ice cold coca-cola. It seems like “back in the day” it was a treat, maybe even a privilege, to take in coca-cola’s carbonated deliciousness. Just think about it. When was the last time you thought to yourself “I just really would like a coke right now”? And upon getting your beverage, you opened it and savored it with unsurmountable joy. Most likely, the last time you had a coke, you just grabbed a can out of the refrigerator when you were on the run or having a quick lunch. Drinking a coke has become a habit or reflex. What is the solution for this, you may ask. Take some time out of your day to enjoy the little things that you take for granted.

Remember: Life’s “big moments” are often little ones